Dr. Ioannis Vergoullis

Clinical Services

At our clinic, we’re dedicated to offering a wide range of personalized services designed to meet each patient’s unique needs. Some of the services we offer to our patients include:

Periodontal disease treatment:
  • Non-surgical (conservative) periodontal treatment: consist of the removal of supra- and subgingival bacterial plaque/biofilm and calculus by comprehensive, meticulous periodontal scaling and root planing. We also use an innovative protocol utilizing a specialized periodontal Laser to assist in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis.
  • Surgical Periodontal treatment: while conservative periodontal treatment might control cases with different degrees of periodontal disease, surgical treatment may be indicated for other cases with a more aggressive grade of disease or when conservative treatment is not sufficient to control the disease. Surgical periodontal treatment consists of procedures to reduce or eliminate periodontal pockets and to create an acceptable gingival form and osseous topography that facilitates oral hygiene and periodontal maintenance.
Guided tissue regeneration:
Consists of periodontal regenerative procedures. Bone grafting materials, membranes and, sometimes, your own tissue, will promote the regrowth of bone and gum tissue lost due to periodontal disease.
Periodontal plastic surgery:
Consists of procedures performed for gingival augmentation, correction of recession or soft tissue deformities, or enhancement of oral esthetics. Some of these procedures include: gingival (gum) grafts, correction of gummy smile through esthetic crown lengthening, frenectomy, correction of gingival (gum) asymmetry.
Dental Implants:
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root surgically placed into the jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good physical and  general oral health who have lost a tooth or several teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.
Socket preservation:
Is a procedure performed at the time of a tooth extraction to prevent loss or shrinkage of the tooth surrounding bone and gum tissue.
Ridge Repair and augmentation:
After teeth have been extracted for quite some time, the bone shrinks during the healing process and leaves an indentation in the gum tissue resulting in both cosmetic and potentially functional problems. With the use of bone and gum grafting procedures we could build up adequate bone and gums to help develop a site for later dental implant placement and/or conventional prosthetics in order to replace the lost tooth/teeth.
Sinus lift:
The floor of the maxillary sinus usually drops after tooth extraction in that area resulting in very limited bone to replace the teeth with dental implants. This procedure consists of the development of enough bone to enable the posterior upper jaw to receive dental implants by raising the sinus floor and adding bone grafting material.
Surgical extractions:
Is a procedure performed to remove teeth that could be inside the gums and, sometimes, inside the bone which makes it impossible to remove them the conventional way. For example: wisdom teeth, impacted teeth, broken roots.
Teeth surgical Exposure:
This procedure consists of opening the gum tissue and sometimes removing bone to expose a tooth that has not erupted in the oral cavity, such as in cases of canine exposure for orthodontic reasons.
Laser treatment:
Laser could be used safely in many periodontal procedures. Research suggests that the use of laser as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) may improve the effectiveness of this procedure. The laser sterilizes as it works and offers a faster recovery time than conventional surgery due to less bleeding, swelling and discomfort to the patient. . Example of surgical procedures: frenectomies, gingivectomies, crown lengthening, biopsies, etc. Other uses include: reduction of symptoms of recurrent herpetical lesions, aphtous ulcers, etc.
This procedure consists of the partial or total removal of a lesion in the mouth, which is then sent to a specialized laboratory for analysis to determine the diagnosis and, if necessary, any further treatment.
During this procedure, the gum tissue near the tooth is opened to access the bone beneath, allowing us to clear any infection or inflammation. The root tip is also removed, with a special filling applied to complete the treatment.
Periodontal and dental implant maintenance:
Once treatment has been completed and the mouth has been returned to a state of health, or after a dental implant has been placed in your mouth, it is critical to follow a regular program of periodontal maintenance. Periodontal disease, like many inflammatory diseases, is never cured but only controlled. These visits are different than routine cleaning appointments in that they are designed to assess and treat changes in the periodontal status on an ongoing basis. Bacteria found around your teeth can migrate to dental implants and cause disease around them. Multiple studies have shown that in the absence of proper maintenance care, disease will recur and progress often times without symptoms. For many individuals, an interval of 3 months has found to be most effective. However, we will determine the ideal maintenance interval that suits every patient’s needs.